19 July 2016

On Watching TV Shows

Back home after a rough day,
Finding it hard to put thoughts away,
Sans energy, sans life,
You put on the show, seating yourself,
At once all is forgotten, and you are lost,
In the land of the broadcast,
Life is indeed simpler in two dimensions,
Free from bondage without tension,
Your glee and sorrow dictated by characters,
they are your friends, your family, not mere actors,
They throw in a line, provoking deep thought,
Giving you lessons, making you smart,
You laugh you cry, you relate with their story,
But below all, you remain untouched by worry,
An hour or two of unwinding yourself,
It proves the power of forgetting oneself,
Objectivity is indeed the key to life,
The only way to live free of strife,
Perhaps it would help to learn from watching shows,
That it helps to step out and look at ourselves.

Written on 19.7.2016 at 12:18am at C504, H13, IIT Bombay (My first poem in my new room)