12 November 2016

Sexual Desire

Weird indeed is the lust of the flesh,
A craving I fail to decipher,
A yearning that builds up like nothing else,
To see, to touch, to feel,
To explore anatomy that is already known -
A touch of skin too familiar,
A desire that grows with uncanny stimuli,
Reaching endless heights, consuming the mind,

It still seems baseless to the inquisitive soul,
Hiding behind the sheath of oblivion,
Into which it drives the weak,
While it survives in peace,

It is but hollow when sneaked upon,
Fleeing when one seeks to gratify -
A mountain whose foothills, when touched crumbles,
Tricking one into a firm belief -
That one is indeed satisfied.

4:06pm on 12.11.2016 at C504, IIT Bombay

6 November 2016

A Nighttime Walk

On a dark silent road,
I smile wide and bright,
For you are here with me,
Walking by my side,

Every stride we take,
I shall hold dear to my heart,
Feeling every beat,
Cherishing every breath,

To you it might be another walk,
Time spent with another friend,
But to me this night is special,
As are those that you've forgotten,

You turn around looking for me,
Tilting your head with a heavenly smile,
And I lose myself in the beauty,
That turns its attention to me,

I give you a hasty response,
Oblivious to the time that has passed,
Why do I slow down, you ask?
I'm carving in my heart, etching each moment,

Tripping in joy, I catch up,
In the dim, pale moonlight,
I stifle another brimming smile,
As I steal a glance at you.

Written during Walmart PPT at LA302, IIT Bombay. Updated at 1:38am on 6.11.2016