19 May 2016

The Tour Guide

They came from a land far away,
Spending with him their entire day,
They knew not who he was,
Or whence he hailed,

But embraced him for who he was,
Passing no judgement, keeping no secret,
Sharing their food, jokes and their love,
They treated him as no different from their own,

His joy knew no bounds when he was with them,
He opened his heart, shared his secrets,
Showed them the best locations,
In all earnest

He was drenched by their warmth,
Oblivious to the passage of time,
He revelled in their company,
He forgot all worries.

Before they realised it, it was time to part,
He didn't know which hurt more -
Saying goodbye or quoting his wage,
With a heavy heart, he waved and let.

This treatment wasn't new -
Tourists could always be categorised,
But why was it that even after years of being a guide,
The kind ones kept making his heart melt.

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