28 January 2017


             (Morbid Thoughts)

They speak of hidden truths driving all,
Of the meaning behind life,
Asserting to each event, the work of a hand,
That’s large and moved by a gigantic heart,
They move about preaching,
Giving long talks and sermons,
Each dismissing the theory the other worships,
And then there are those proclaimed rationals,
Who assign a chemical to each feeling that comes,
And a term to each phenomenon,
Oh no matter what they believe nor what they preach,
Are they above the feelings that they scorn?
They dismiss these things as sins or reactions,
But are they not still slaves of desire?
Perhaps they are, or perhaps they’re not,
But in the end, for sure,
They’ll be wiped away by death.

           (The Religion of Death)

I see not these books,
Filled with science,
Equations and graphs,
That reason with life,
It applies logic, dismissing all magic,
Claiming to unearth,
The stuff that is life,
But is it that simple,
For our minds to know,
The force that drives this creation and more?
I know not for sure,
What this planet holds,
But I’ve learnt to bow,
To these fields and meadows,
To learn from the pain,
That my friends go through,
To hurt not another,
And live without pride,
For there may be a god,
There may not,
But death shall arrive,
And knock upon my door,
Swallowing me whole,
Spitting my cold corpse.

Written between 2:12am and 2:27am on 28.1.2017 at C04, IIT Bombay

I is to be read as an independent poem and I+II is to be considered a different poem.

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